The exhibition overview at this time only contains the items as a tabular listing. In 1999/2000 it will be replaced with more comprehensive information including reprint of reviews, invitations, links to each displayed work as well as installation photos.

The Exhibitions during 1992 - 1994

Triptychon links 92_096 Triptychon mitte 92_098 Triptychon rechts 92_097
conserver sex links = oben sowie als auch unten = conserver sex rechts. (Artificial “canned” sex (left) = between above as beneath = Artificial “canned” sex (right).) This (and other) works by Lips on the subject of AIDS were displayed at the Berlin exhibition “Infektiös” (Infectious), as well as at other showings.

“Fotoinstallation im Flur” (Photo Installation in the Hallway), Sammlung Scheuermann, Cologne, individual exhibition

“Experiment Foto” (Experiment Photo), Nada Art, Cologne, group exhibition

“Infektiös” (Infectious), Schwules Museum (Gay Museum), Berlin, group exhibition

“Trubel im Weihnachtsschalter” (Hurly-burly at the Christmas Counter), Kunstschalter (Art Counter), Cologne, group exhibition

“Heimatkunde – Bilder gegen Rechts (Local History – Pictures against the Political Right Wing)”, Gallerie Lichtblick, Cologne, group exhibition


1993“Erotik in der Kunst” (Erotic in Art), Kunstschalter (Art Counter), Cologne, group exhibition


“Hund” (Dog), Gallerie Article (Article Gallery), Cologne, group exhibition"Hund", Article, Köln, Gruppenausstellung

“Roger Lips – Männerbilder” (Roger Lips – Pictures of Men), Kulturforum (Culture Forum), Alte Post, Neuss, individual exhibition